--- title: "Using Tilegrams in R" author: "Bhaskar V. Karambelar" date: "`r Sys.Date()`" bibliography: bibliography.bib output: rmarkdown::html_document: mathjax: null theme: yeti toc: true toc_depth: 4 toc_float: true vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{Using Tilegrams in R} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} --- The goal of `tilegramsR` package is to provide R spatial objects in `sf` [@sf] format representing various Tilegrams. The primary purpose of this data is to be used for data visualization. The objects provided can be plotted using base R plotting, ggplot2 [@ggplot2], or leaflet [@leaflet]. To know more about Tilegrams see [this post](https://github.com/PitchInteractiveInc/tilegrams/blob/master/MANUAL.md) and a [this web app](https://pitchinteractiveinc.github.io/tilegrams/). # Usage ## Installation ```{r eval=FALSE} install.packages('tilegramsR') #OR Latest Development version devtools::install_github('bhaskarvk/tilegramsR') ``` ## Example Code Check out `inst\examples` folder, or see it in action at [Rpubs: tilegramsR](http://rpubs.com/bhaskarvk/tilegramsR) and [Rpubs: Election Map](http://rpubs.com/bhaskarvk/electoral-Map-2016). # Data The package provides spatial objects in [sf](https://github.com/edzer/sfr) format. ## Pitch Interactive Tilegrams ### U.S.A - **sf_Pitch_US_Population_2016_v1**: A `sf` object where each feature = 500K people - **sf_Pitch_US_Population_2016_v1.states**: A `sf` object where each feature = 1 state of the U.S.A - **sf_Pitch_US_Population_2016_v1.centers**: A `sf` object of centroids of each state of the U.S.A. ### Germany - **sf_germany_constituencies**: A `sf` object where each feature is a German Constituency - **sf_germany_constituencies.centers**: A `sf` object of centroids of each German Constituency ### France - **sf_france_regions_population**: A `sf` object of French regions - **sf_france_regions_population.regions**: A `sf` object of boundaries of French regions - **sf_france_regions_population.centers**: A `sf` object of centroids of each French region - **sf_france_all_regions_population**: A `sf` object of French Regions including overseas regions - **sf_france_all_regions_population.regions**: A `sf` object of boundaries of all French regions - **sf_france_all_regions_population.centers**: A `sf` object of centroids of each French Region including overseas regions - **sf_france_departments**: A `sf` object of French departments - **sf_france_departments.centers**: A `sf` object of centroids of each French department ## fivethirtyeight's Electoral College Tilegram - **sf_FiveThirtyEightElectoralCollege**: A `sf` object where each feature = 1 electoral college - **sf_FiveThirtyEightElectoralCollege.states**: A `sf` object where each feature = 1 state of the U.S.A - **sf_FiveThirtyEightElectoralCollege.centers**: A `sf` object of centroids of each state of the U.S.A. ## NPR ### Hexagon Tilegram - **sf_NPR1to1**: A `sf` object where each feature = 1 state of the U.S.A - **sf_NPR1to1.centers**: A `sf` object of centroids of each state of the U.S.A. ### NPR.DemersCartogram - **sf_NPR.DemersCartogram**: A `sf` object where each feature = 1 state of the U.S.A - **sf_NPR.DemersCartogram.centers**: A `sf` object of centroids of each state of the U.S.A. ## Daily KOS ### Dual Hexagon Tilegram - **sf_DKOS_50_State_OuterHex_Tilemap_v1**: A `sf` object where each feature = 1 state of the U.S.A - **sf_DKOS_50_State_InnerHex_Tilemap_v1**: A `sf` object where each feature = 1 state of the U.S.A - **sf_DKOS_50_State_Hex_Tilemap_v1.centers**: A `sf` object of centroids of each state of the U.S.A. ### Congressional Districts Tilegram - **sf_DKOS_CD_Hexmap_v1.1**: A `sf` object where each feature = 1 congressional District - **sf_DKOS_CD_Hexmap_v1.1.states**: A `sf` object where each feature = 1 state of the U.S.A - **sf_DKOS_CD_Hexmap_v1.1.centers**: A `sf` object of centroids of each state of the U.S.A. ### Electoral College Tilegram - **sf_DKOS_Electoral_College_Map_v1**: A `sf` object where each feature = 1 electoral college - **sf_DKOS_Electoral_College_Map_v1.states**: A `sf` object where each feature = 1 state of the U.S.A - **sf_DKOS_Electoral_College_Map_v1.centers**: A `sf` object of centroids of each state of the U.S.A. ### Distorted Electoral College Tilegram - **sf_DKOS_Distorted_Electoral_College_Map_v1**: A `sf` object where each feature = 1 state of the U.S.A - **sf_DKOS_Distorted_Electoral_College_Map_v1.centers**: A `sf` object of centroids of each state of the U.S.A. ## Washington Post Tilegram - **sf_WP**: A `sf` object where each feature = 1 state of the U.S.A - **sf_WP.centers**: A `sf` object of centroids of each state of the U.S.A. ## Wall Street Journal Tilegram - **sf_WSJ**: A `sf` object where each feature = 1 state of the U.S.A - **sf_WSJ.centers**: A `sf` object of centroids of each state of the U.S.A. ## Datamap.io.tilegram - **sf_Datamap.io.tilegram**: A `sf` object where each feature = 1 state of the U.S.A - **sf_Datamap.io.tilegram.centers**: A `sf` object of centroids of each state of the U.S.A. As and when newer Tilegrams are made available they will be added to this package. # Credits - [Pitch Interactive](https://twitter.com/pitchinc) for the excellent [Tilegrams](https://pitchinteractiveinc.github.io/tilegrams/) webapp and population tilegram. - [Daniel Donner](https://twitter.com/donnermaps) of [Daily KOS](https://refinery.dailykosbeta.com/elections-maps) for Tilegrams. - [Ella Koeze](https://twitter.com/ellawinthrop) for [fivethirtyeight[.]com](https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/2016-election-forecast/) Tilegrams. - [Danny DeBelius](https://twitter.com/dannydb) & [Brian Boyer](https://twitter.com/brianboyer) for [NPR](http://blog.apps.npr.org/2015/05/11/hex-tile-maps.html)'s Hexagon Tilegrams. - [NPR Demers Cartogram](http://www.npr.org/2016/10/18/498406765/npr-battleground-map-hillary-clinton-is-winning-and-its-not-close) - [Washington Post Tilegram](https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/politics/2016-election/50-state-poll/) - [Wall Street Journal Tilegram](http://graphics.wsj.com/elections/2016/2016-electoral-college-map-predictions/) - [Datamap.io Tilegram](https://elections.datamap.io/us/2016/09/23/electoral_college_forecast) # References